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animate rat gif Ratties
They are like Lays potato chips, you can't have just one
Hoskin rattie history

As many as would allow me to get (notice tails and noses)

After Field Rat passed, there have been no others like him -- closest to his loving personality is Little Cinimon. The Old Man is almost 3 years old. He is the longest living rat I've had to day.
Bat Boy

rats rats
Princess who was put to sleep -- tumors

Field Rat had to be put down in July and it about killed me. He lived a little over 2 years.
Following are animated pictures as I've found it easier than cut/pasting pics together -- takes up less room
Babies on/with Dad (Stripes)   ||    Little Cinimon (passed 29 Nov 05)
Old Man (passed 17 Oct 05)   ||    Nipper and Black Devil


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